Friday, January 24, 2020


Monday, January 27th is an A-Day

Third Quarter Begins

2020 Salvation Army Give a Kid a Coat Campaign

Give A Kid A Coat is a program that solicits
coat donations to give to those in need.

Students and staff that wish to participate simply need
to check their closets for an
outgrown coat or a coat they no longer wear
and drop it off to Ms. Barfield
in room 012 or the front office by February 8th.

We will collect the coats and Salvation Army
will take them to Cleaner World to have them cleaned.


8th Grade Dance at TJMS
Friday, March 6
7:00-9:00 PM

We need parents to volunteer for a number of items.
Please click on the link below to sign up!


TJMS Basketball Spirit Days

Sponsored by Student Council
Students, show your support for our basketball teams
by participating in our school’s spirit days.
The dress code still applies!

 January 28th (Boys vs. Walkertown): Whiteout Day
January 30th ( Boys vs. Philo): TJMS Colors Day
February 4th (Girls vs. Meadowlark): Neon Colors Day
February 6th (Boys vs. Flat Rock): Throwback Thursday/Retro Day
February 11th (Girls vs. Paisley): Patriotic/American Colors Day
February 13th (Boys vs. Wiley): Valentine’s Spirit Day
February 18th (Girls vs. WSPA): Tacky Day
February 20th (Girls vs. Clemmons): Celebrity Day

When you attend the home games and participate in the spirit days,
you will be entered into a drawing
for free drinks and snacks from the concession stand.
Come out and support our teams!


Mount Tabor High School
Spartan Showcase

Rising 9th Graders: Come explore Tabor City
And learn what it means to be #spartanstrong!

January 27, 2020
6:30 – 8:30 PM


TJMS Food Pantry

This month, due to the days off of school at the end of the second quarter,
we were open on Wednesday, January 22 from 3-4 instead of Saturday January 25.

The TJMS Food Pantry is open twice a month and available to any family at TJMS that could use some assistance.  No preregistration is required!  Any family that could benefit from the pantry is invited to come on the second and fourth Saturday of each month 8-10 am.  Look for our new blue awning at the front of the school!  

If you would like to help support out pantry, we will be collecting donations of an “item of the month” each month this school year.  All food donations can be dropped in the donation bin in the main lobby.  
The items we are collecting in January are:
Canned meats, such as chicken, tuna, or salmon and condiments, such as ketchup, mustard, and mayo.

If you have any questions or need more information, please contact Michaleh Snider (


Patriot Pride Stores

The Patriot Pride store is in need of your donations. 
Please send in sodas, store-size candies and chocolate bars, 
and any type of school supplies. 
The Patriot Pride store is open to all grade levels 
at Jefferson once a month, so donations are needed all year long.
The donations may be sent to the front office and labeled "Patriot Pride".
Many thanks to all who have donated to this cause this year!



is required in order to checkout your child from TJMS!!!

Please make sure your child’s contact information
is updated with our office.

Older siblings, other relatives and family friends are sent to pick up our students and they are not on the pick-up list, resulting in our office requiring to call the parent for approval.

Also, ANYONE who is approved on your child’s pick-up list
MUST bring their I.D. with them as well!!!!

Morning Drop Off and Parking

Parents, thank you for helping us with student safety during morning 
car rider drop off by driving all the way through the car line 
without holding up traffic.
If you need to park for any reason, 
please use the staff parking lot.
Additionally, the gravel lot near the bus lot is for staff use only 
during both arrival and dismissal.



Athletics has a REMIND to inform you about games, 
intramurals and PE/HEA information.
You can text @agbfa4b to 81010 to get the remind info.

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